
Social Care Cloud

Social Prescribing. Powered by Salesforce.

Ian H Smith

After fourteen years of healthtech innovation at Being Guided we are now introducing a new innovation: Social Care Cloud. This enables health and social care professionals plus creatives, such as artists and musicians, to better communicate with patients, families, friends and volunteers.

At Being Guided, we help the UK NHS, non-profit organisations and creatives to schedule, deliver and report on Social Care and Social Prescribing for trauma or orthopaedic patients and post-hospital mental health patients.

As illustrated below, this builds on the early adopter success we have had with NHS Trusts, via the Arts Care nonprofit organisation in Northern Ireland. This is powered by Salesforce.

Social Care Cloud is built on the world-class, secure Salesforce technology. Here, the citizen becomes the customer placed at the centre of all communications. This includes the option to integrate with Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Social Care Case Management Records.

This enables the optimisation of Right Patient, Right Prescription, Right Time.

broken image

Social Care Cloud provides a seamless flow from hospital discharge through timely provision and funding of Social Care and Social Prescribing. It enables patients, families, creatives, carers and volunteers to co-create and update a Social Care Plan.

These Social Care Plans can be integrated with Electronic Health Records (EHR) but this is not required for initial implementations. For integration we have extensive experience with combining Salesforce solutions with EHR systems at the UK NHS or internationally.

The technology allows independent creatives (artists, musicians, etc.) to submit Schedules for the delivery of Social Prescribing. This includes Schedules in-hospital and post-hospital, at home or in a community environment. Social Care delivered by agencies, volunteers or family members may be added to an integrated Social Care Plan that may be blended with Social Prescribing.

For creatives, the technology allows for artists and musicians to submit Schedules, Invoices and Reports via simple Forms on desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone devices.

Think of Social Care Cloud in terms of People, Process, and Platform.


With citizens viewed as Customers, the Social Care Cloud is delivered on the world class Salesforce Lightning Platform. This is putting People first and enabling patients, families and a wider community of nonprofit, creative and community organisations to be at the centre of what matters most: the health and wellbeing of citizens.


Each Citizen Record (and related Volunteer or Carer Record) is updated by patients or nominated family/friends via simple set of Web forms, avoiding the need for software licences and making this highly afforadale at scale. All data is shared through citizen consent, and carefully controlling which stakeholders may edit or view different field-level content.


Platform is a combination of Salesforce for Professional Users and Web forms for Citizen Users (patients, families, creatives, carers and volunteers). As illustrated above, our Web form 'Upserting' feature allows non-licensed Users to update Social Care Cloud Records. We add the power of AI - not to access citizen data - but to act as our designers' Copilot.

To explore this further let's book a Meet.